Your Burglary Story.
Have you been the victim of a burglar? Would you like to share your burglary story and help others?
Sometimes it can be a little uncomfortable to think of unpleasant experiences such as being burglarized.
But by the telling of your tale you may just help someone else avoid the same fate.
By sharing our experiences with each other we can learn more ways to
beat the burglar. We can move that little bit nearer to being free from
the worry of crime.
You may want to tell us:
- Were you at home or were you out when the housebreaker broke in?
- What time of day (or night) did the burglary happen?
- Is your home a house, apartment or other?
- Were external doors and windows locked?
- Did you have an alarm system fitted?
- Had you taken any steps to protect your home against being burglarized?
- Did a neighbor or passerby hear or see anything?
- Was the burglar, or burglars, caught?
- What steps have you taken since the burglary to improve your home security?
The above are only suggestions, it’s your own story – share just what you want to share in your own words.
Please do not include any information which could identify your address. |
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Read Other Visitors Burglary Stories
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Hate the feeling of your property being invaded by strangers
In 1976, I lived in a one bedroomed ground floor flat in Loughborough, Leicestershire.
It was my first home and I had moved there after getting married. …
My Toolshed Was Burgled.
A thief broke in thru the back of my tool shed while I was in the house taking a nap. It was the noise he made doing it that woke me, as usual I was comatose …
If You Want to Get Burgled Rent a Room.
As someone who spent a few years in rooming houses I can tell you that if you want to lose stuff, that's the way to do it.
Lost count on the number …
Take A Good Look Around
I do not have a burglary to write about and I do not want to have one. I have enjoyed reading the stories here and think I’ve learned a thing or two, so …
Burglar After My Car Keys.
Just over three years ago I retired, and I can tell you that retirement is darn good if you can met the bills and keep yourself occupied, but since then …
My Foolish Big Mouth.
We are advised not to open the door to a caller without first looking to see if we know the person, and if we don't recognize who it is, don't open the …
Burglars stole our swing.
I could not believe it, they stole our swing. The swing was not your average porch swing. This was a patio swing with a frame and canopy, all wood including …
Burglars were smoking.
I open the door to my home and I smell it. I have never smoked, not even tobacco, and I do not allow smoking of anything in my home.
What I could smell …
Burglary Insurance
Anyone who has suffered arriving home and finding that they have been burglarized knows what a smack in the face it is.
I'm writing – if I may, it is …
Perverted Invader
Hi. This story is a little bizarre, not even the cops know why this is happening. This past weekend, my 12yr old sister woke up in the living room where …
PsychoDirk and the Burglar.
My only experience of a burglary, so far, was some years ago when I rented a room. There were five rooms in the house, we shared a kitchen, a bathroom …
Burglary Story - Burglar Was Spooked.
Returning home I noticed that the gate at the side of the house that gives access to the backyard was open. I am particular about closing gates and things …
Barbecue and a Burglar.
Never again will I leave a window open and unlocked when I leave the house. We now have windows that you can leave open just a crack and they are locked …
Shed Burglary
OK. I had read that the cost of all the D.I.Y. tools that a person is apt to keep at home can total up to a surprising amount. I may even have read about …
Should Landlord Fit Burglar Bars?
I live in an apartment block in what is not too bad a neighborhood, at least I thought the neighborhood was pretty free from crime.
My apartment is …
I Have A Burglary To Thank.
These days I am very much security conscious and my home is just about as protected as it can be. I have a burglary to thank for that.
As a much younger …
Burglary Story : Something Was Wrong.
I had a sort of sixth sense feeling that something was very wrong as I approached the apartment door. Up close I saw that the door was not closed right …
Still No Alarm.
Still No Alarm.
My dad caught a burglar when I was up in my room asleep, I did not know a thing about it.
Actually he did not actually catch him …
Burglars in thru the rear door.
This was some twenty five years ago. They broke into my parents house thru the rear door by kicking in the bottom panel, the door had three large panels. …
Burglars in the Yard.
I had not long arrived home from work and was upstairs sorting out clothes to wear for that evening. There was no radio or TV set on so there wasn't any …
Holiday Burglary.
This was not a big burglary as they go although my, not very well off, family did lose a lot of things that we could not afford to lose.
It was over …
Burglary Story : Weird Burglary.
Three years ago we were the victims of a really weird robbery. We had been out of the house for just over four hours, visited friends and a spell of shopping. …
Monkey Burglar.
I'll confess, I left an upstairs window open but I swear it must have been a monkey that got up there and inside. There is no way to climb up, that is …
Burglary Story : My Garage got burgled.
It was my garage that got burgled, they did not attempt to get into the house as there is no interconnecting door.
And you can label me a mug, I was …
Burglary Story : Open Windows
It is the classic way to get burglarized and I'm as guilty as hell. I left a couple of windows open, well it was the "long hot summer" and we all, me, …
My Story is I've Never Been Burglarized.
Making my home safe is my pride. Let me say that I have never been burglarized and I don't intend to be. A home alarm has been installed but I made sure …
Burglary Story : Busted into my room.
I had a room in a building with eight rooms. Mostly just slept there, spent the day at work ate my meals out and in some bar or two in the evening. The …
Burglary Story : We had been burgled too.
Our house is an exact twin of our neighbor excepting that theirs is the other way around if you know what I mean. Our kitchen looks across to their kitchen. …
The burglar was my son.
It can never be easy for anyone to bring up children. It is perhaps extra hard when you are doing it as a single parent. I don't think that I did too bad …
Burglary Story : Duke is my security.
I have not had a successful burglary. By which I mean that there have been several attempts to break into my home but no one has yet got in. Not that it …
Don't give out a key.
This really is just a warning not to give out a key to anybody, and I do mean anybody.
I trusted him. Why I trusted him does not stand up to reason …
Burglary Story : Down the alley.
Three homes got hit the same day. We all have houses with an narrow alley down one side of the house. When someone is down this alley they can't be seen …
Burglary Story : Walked right out my door.
They say that he, the burglar, most likely banged on the front and side doors to assure himself that there was no one at home. Then he got himself around …
Burglary Story : I have tightened up my security
In 2004 I lost my job, this was not unexpected. My good lady was able to take extra hours so it was decided that I would stay at home and look after the …
Burglary Story: Yale Lock
Some people are plain stupid other people are very stupid. I guess that at times the second description fits me best!
I have a small flat …
Burglary Story: Boiling mad.
They got in through a small window at the side of the house. I'm saying they, I'm very sure there was more than one of the S.O.B's and that's the opinion …
Burglary Story, Seven record albums.
Twenty two years ago I was living with a girl in a rented apartment. All the apartment doors in the block had latch locks, as did the entrance door, …
Burglary Story : Me and my neighbor.
It had been raining heavily which I guess is the reason that there was no one around in their backyards or anywhere. Both me and my neighbor got robbed. …
The burglars were watching our house.
It is a shock when it happens to you. You do not want to come home to find your home burglarized a second time I can tell you that. That is the reason …
I lost my cat because of a burglary.
I lost the most precious thing to me because of a burglary.
They came in through the back door and that's where Duchess got out. Duchess was my very …