Security Articles.
A collection of security articles
These articles cover various areas of everyday life where we are liable to fall victim of the criminal. You can find articles concerning scam artists, personal security and safety, home security and vehicle security.
More articles covering the security of your home can be found here – Home Security Articles
Making a grab for his car keys Daniel was taken aback that they were not hanging on the rack. Strange. He was positive that he had hung them there on arriving home, somebody must have moved them, why? Where? No time to puzzle over that now. Spare set, in the tin box of spare keys and stuff at the back of the closet. Got them good, now get going out of the house. Outside, no car! How?
Car Key Burglary
There are other things you can do to become part of your new local community. If folks around you are your friends they are more likely to know when something is not right and more likely to notice any suspicious activity around your home. . .
New Neighbors.
Never underestimate the criminal mind. If you do you will likely be too relaxed about the security of your home and family. Isn’t it best to acknowledge that the average criminal is likely to be of at least average intelligence and protect your home on that basis? . . .
Stupid Criminals.
If you are honest Ms. or Mr. Citizen who spends far to many hours of the week toiling away in a job that you don’t much care for, please spare a thought or two for the burglar.
Top Ten Ways to Make the Burglar’s Life Easier.
While it is perhaps not the most vital tool in keeping your family and home safe and secure, a garage door monitoring unit is more than just a gimmick. Aside from your car, your garage almost certainly contains many items that you don’t want to lose. . .
Garage Door Monitor
These doors can be painted in any color of your choice and are available with a coating that replicates a wood grained finish. Other advantages of steel security doors are their durability, fire resistance and resistance to warping and rotting. There is absolutely no need for your home to look like a commercial building, or a drug den, for your family to enjoy the benefits of steel security doors.
Steel Security Doors.
Decide where to put the control panel, this is the heart of the system. Most likely you will want to site it near to the door that you enter and leave your home from. It will be good if it is near an electrical outlet too. But . . .
Installing A Wireless Home Security System
So what is stopping you from carrying a personal security alarm? Do you think that you will never find yourself in a situation to need one, think again, assaults happen and can happen to anyone. . .
Personal Security Alarm.
The main target of these thieves has been construction sites and utility structures. But when you think that a three bedroom home could contain as much as $4,000 in copper plumbing and wiring, you realize that you have far more on your property that could interest a thief than you perhaps thought you had.
Copper Theft : Watch out for the copper thieves.
. . .more frequently than once a week or longer, he just let the footwear be. Two days later this recluse heard a rap, rap, rapping on his front door, not one to encourage visitors he ignored the knocking. Next thing he could hear the sound of someone breaking in. Sensibly he quickly locked himself in a back room and called the cops. . .
The Burglar And The Training Shoes.
Burglars are known to use the phone to try and extract all sorts of information that could be useful to them and use all kinds of ruses to get it. Of course, they do not phone and ask straight away if your home is occupied during the day. They may pose as
Telephone Security
The thief, or thieves, must have thought that day to be national make a car theft a breeze day. Not only unlocked and un-alarmed but the key right there in the ignition, just let her roll silently off the drive, fire her up and away.
The Unlocked Car and Car Theft.
Before saying more, I had to allow myself a little time to think. What exactly does this expression mean? Does anyone still use the expression these days? I remembered then a fairly recent news headline . . .
Cat Burglar : The second story man.
How do burglars choose the homes they decide to burgle? A recent research study carried out in the United Kingdom suggests that the presence of alarm systems or watchdogs do not deter burglars. And that they choose residences that appear easy to enter, easy to escape from and appear to be lucrative targets. I don’t know about you, but I prefer my home to be . . .
Security Features.
If your home has an exterior door fitted with glass panels, or there are glass panels next to an exterior door, you have a home security risk. Glass panels in exterior doors allow daylight into what may otherwise be a dark and gloomy hallway but in terms of security these doors are not such a good choice. . .
Exterior Doors With Glass Panels.
alarm systems are designed to increase people’s sense of security, it
is all too easy to forget that at the heart of any alarm system is a
power source that is not absolutely guaranteed. . . Alarm Batteries.
If a burglar steals any
of your valuables security marked with this technology he would need an
ultra violet light to locate the dots and would be extremely unlikely to
find them all. And he would have the devil’s own job to remove them
because . . . Home Security Marking.
Apart from getting the job done quicker, and knowing exactly how to
compile a list of your insurable items, professional inventory services present
your inventory to the insurance companies in a format that the insurance
companies prefer. This often results in a fuller and quicker
settlement. . . Home Inventory Service
A perimeter wall does not have to be so high as to be un-scalable to
deter an intruder. A wall says “This is the line.” A burglar will not
want to be seen climbing over, even if the . . .Perimeter Security.
home security lighting using low wattage bulbs, will enable you to
approach your home without being blinded by glare and at the same allows
you to . . . Home Security Lighting.
doubt about it. Possibly your very best weapon in your arsenal against
becoming a victim of crime, especially crime against your home, is your
participation in your local . . . neighborhood watch.
Although it is probably not possible to make your home completely
impenetrable, if you attend to all the items on this security list your
home will be far less likely to be burgled. . . Home Security Checklist.
Is a monitored alarm the perfect solution for your home security needs? Nothing is perfect of course but a monitored
home security system sure comes close to being the ideal. It might just be the best thing next to
having your own team of security guards constantly protecting your home. But before you decide, there are a few things you may wish to consider. . . Monitored Home Security System.
Why do homeowners fit home security doors? Because the
more time that a burglar spends breaking through a door, or defeating
locks, the more the risk of him being observed and caught. . . Home Security Doors.
When it comes to burglary and other in-the-home crime, those of us that
live in apartments are perhaps slightly more at risk than those that
live in houses. This is, to an extent, because your apartment security
is not. . . Apartment Security
or condominium life can be enjoyable and rewarding, and safe too if you
take some common sense measures for your security. Here are a few more. . . Apartment Security Tips.
Surveillance for Security
Security Articles