Burglars in the Yard.

Burglars in the Yard.

by Max

I had not long arrived home from work and was upstairs sorting out clothes to wear for that evening. There was no radio or TV set on so there wasn’t any clue that there was someone in the house.

There is a small enclosure right outside my back door where the trash goes, this is separated from the backyard by a short rail fence and gate. I have always kept this gate padlocked.

Suddenly I hear noise that tells me someone is climbing the rail fence. Pressing myself close to the wall I looked down from the window and sure enough two youths were in the enclosure. My first thought was to grab something and run down and confront the intruders but something stopped me from doing that.

I had my cellphone in my pocket so I called the cops explaining the situation. Meantime I could hear the intruders had started work on the back door. Within minutes two cops appeared over the wall of the yard, and there was another at my front door who I quickly let in. Those youths, being trapped right there in the enclosure, must have realized their goose was roasted, they stood where they were and offered no resistance.

It turned out that both were local, both were known to the police.

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Mar 24, 2010


by: Anonymous

If there were two youths breaking in the back of my house I would have taken my cell and run like crazy out the front. Once clear of my house, and the burglars, then I would have phoned the cops. But stay there, no way.

Sep 06, 2009

Best possible result.

by: Martin (editor)

Hi Max,

Top marks, I’ll say that you did exactly the right thing.

If you had rushed down and confronted them who knows what would have happened. You may have got yourself hurt or worse and it is likely they would have got away.As it was you got the best possible result.

Have you taken any steps to reduce the chances of further intrusions over that fence?

Martin (editor)

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