My Story is I’ve Never Been Burglarized.
by C
(On the map)
Making my home safe is my pride. Let me say that I have never been burglarized and I don’t intend to be. A home alarm has been installed but I made sure that my home was not at all easy to break in even before I got the alarm, so now I’m not depending on the alarm alone.
My house is covered by lighting set off by detectors, a prowler has only to get close and he is lit up. Windows and doors are locked religiously, and with the best locks too.
But people ask for it, they are so lackadaisical, the old saying is true – – they do not think anything is going to happen to them, until it does of course. Then they only smarten their ideas up for a while, perhaps six months, and go back to their old ways.
There is not a chance that I would trust my neighbor to watch my place when I am away. He is so care less about his own property that mine would not be safe, my brother drops by and keeps my home looking lived in.
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