Home Security Books : Learn How To Protect Your Home.
No amount of home security books will prevent a burglar from breaking
into your home.
You have to study the information that they contain and
put it into practice on a daily basis, then you will start to make your
home that bit more secure for you and your family.
Alex Haddox has many years of
experience of self protection and holds a Masters in Adult Education and
He has suffered personal tragedy at the hands of lawbreakers and
devotes much time to teaching the general public how to keep themselves safe
and make their homes less appealing to criminals.
This book is a somewhat brief read that
does not go deep into which locks or home security systems you should chose to
protect your home. But Mr Haddox has the gift of pulling the reader along at a
pace and the knack of getting points across.
A good and quick read on many
aspects of securing your home.
Practical Home Security: A Guide to Safer Urban Living.
If you are seeking information about improving the security of your home without necessarily spending out a fortune on security systems this could be the home security book that you need.
Includes a risk assessment survey to help you discover the inexpensive ways you can protect your home and beat that burglar.
Securing Your Home.
Although presented as being focused on personal and property security, this book in fact concentrates a great deal on home security systems (with good advice on buying or leasing.)
Fire prevention, identity theft, and general crime prevention are also covered.
A good informative read.
It could be said that for complete home security everything is essential.
Does any book about hardening your home against crime cover everything? That is doubtful, but this book does cover a very broad range of home security topics, from the basics to the very advanced.
Not a book to be just flipped through, but studied. Will your home be absolutely burglarproof if you implement all the advice in this volume?
No, absolutely burglarproof is not possible, but if you take the recommended measures you will likely thwart the average burglar, and even deter the professional criminal so he leaves your home alone and looks for an easier target.
Not a home security book as such, but a study of those who commit burglaries, why they do it, how they select their targets and the methods they use to break-in.
Gives a very useful insight into the mind of a burglar, if you know how he thinks you know how to frustrate and foil him.
More than the average home owner will ever need to know about locks, so not a choice if you are just curious about the subject, or want to know just a little more about secure locks.
However, if you want to learn all that you can about choosing the correct locks to fit throughout your home then you will undoubtedly find this book invaluable.
Complete coverage from a master locksmith with illustrations.
Should this work appear in a list of home security books? Yes it should, the personal security and protection of yourself, and your family, is even more important than the security of your home. The two things are often interwoven of course, as in home invasions.
The best self defense technique? Get yourself out of the situation and to safety. For the times when you cannot do that this volume provides possibly the best information there is about defending yourself.
Along the way you will learn avoidance, evasion and escape techniques as well as how to defuse a potentially violent situation.
You will also learn what you can and cannot do in warding off an attacker. It is important to know what is acceptable in the eyes of the law when it comes to self-defense. For the sake of yourself and your family it is worthwhile studying this book.
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Tell us about your home security tips here. The more we know about defending our homes and families the safer we will be.
Biometric Safe.
a biometric safe the most usual method of unique identification by far
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