Burglars in thru the rear door.

Burglars in thru the rear door.

by James

This was some twenty five years ago. They broke into my parents house thru the rear door by kicking in the bottom panel, the door had three large panels. The lock held good it was an old type that bolted on the back of the door, you could lock it or latch it. My dad was particular about locking up when going out, before putting on his coat he’d say “lets get her locked up” and walk around the house checking the windows and that rear door.

No one heard them busting up the door but neighbors did say that there was a truck parked up close to our house revving like the blazes for a spell, that’s how they covered the noise and maybe hauled the stuff away in the truck.

The stuff was our t.v. vacuum cleaner, other electrical stuff, my dads bowling ball, he went ape over that! Mostly left moms jewelry alone, but the only pieces of value she had were the rings that dad gave her and she always wore those.

Dad would not spend out on a new door, no way. He fixed up the old door but at the same time putting in extra lengths of wood at the back of the panels claiming that they won’t be able to kick their way in again. It made the door a little heavy but it worked alright.

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Nov 15, 2009

Door Lock

by: Anonymous

Your dad was particular in locking your back door but my dad was not, it couldn’t be locked because the key had been lost years ago. The old man would not go and buy a new lock for it, the door was closed on the latch.

We did live way out from town and I suppose he thought we were safe, which of course we wasn’t. As you can guess eventually some bad actors found that unlocked door and helped themselves. Good old dad.

Oct 31, 2009

Distracting noise.

by: Martin (editor)

Hi James,

Thank you very much for sharing your burglary story with us.

Burglars often use the trick of making distracting noise to cover the sounds of breaking in.

Sounds like that rear door could have been interior quality and not an exterior quality door. Unfortunately in the past there was a minority of constructors who used interior doors on the outside of homes to save a few bucks, deadly for security.

Good for your dad for checking around the house before leaving, always a wise thing to do.

Martin (editor)

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