Burglary Story: Boiling mad.
by Andy Searle
They got in through a small window at the side of the house. I’m saying they, I’m very sure there was more than one of the S.O.B’s and that’s the opinion of the police also.
The window is one of those lift up and down types. The top was screwed shut years ago before we moved in and I have now screwed a block on each side so that the window will not slide up more than six inches. I have fitted a lock. Before there was only a crescent shaped latch that slide over. That got busted when our uninvited guests levered up the window.
Not too much got taken, but enough to make me boiling mad. Small portable TV, some of my tools that were in the house, a clock radio, cuff links that were of no value whatsoever! Amazingly the burglars left my PC and an old VHS recorder. There were no credit cards left in the house. They made a heck of a mess, specially so in the kitchen where they seemed to have fun tipping stuff out of packets and boxes.
Wrenching open the window must have made a racket but nobody heard anything, nobody saw anything, nobody wants to know anything. I should have an alarm but they would not have heard that either.
A guard dog is what I want. As big a dog as I can get. The neighbors will not hear it bark if the S.O.B’s come back, but the burglars will feel its teeth.
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