Should Landlord Fit Burglar Bars?
by Sarah
I live in an apartment block in what is not too bad a neighborhood, at least I thought the neighborhood was pretty free from crime.
My apartment is at the side of the building on the ground floor. Some of the ground floor apartments at the back have burglar bars on the windows, this seems to be a reasonable and sensible precaution as the ground floor is more prone to burglary.
In the last two months one of my neighbor’s got burglarized and another had an attempted burglary. They got through her window which has the same locks as we all have, if her apartment had the burglar bars it does not seem they would have got in.
My question is can we demand that burglar bars are fitted to all apartments? Or is the landlord liable for my neighbor’s loss because there are no bars?
Apparently someone asked the landlord why most apartments don’t have the bars and he said that they put people off renting and tenants do not want them. Could he be forced to install bars when tenants request them? They would make me feel more secure.
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