Your Home Security Checklist.
This home security checklist will give you a good starting point for
discovering the areas in which your home security needs attention.
Although it is probably not possible to make your home completely
impenetrable, if you attend to all the items on this security list your
home will be far less likely to be burgled.
Most burglars will not even attempt to break in to a home that has good home security measures in place.
They will sooner find a target that does not offer much resistance, that way they do not put themselves at as much risk.
stop with the items in the home security checklist below. Regularly
look around your property with an eye to improving your security.
- Are all exterior doors locked every time that you leave your home even when leaving for a moment or two? Does every member of the family follow this rule?
- Are quality deadbolt locks correctly fitted to all exterior doors? Do these locks comply with fire regulations? Are these locks secure against ‘bumping’?
Regularly check around your home to find areas where security needs improvement. |
- If any of your exterior doors have glass panels, or there are sidelights by the door, have you taken measures to reinforce the glass?
- Are all windows locked, including windows that are above ground level, even if open a few inches to allow ventilation?
- Does every member of your family know not to hide spare keys anywhere outside your home?
- Are you a member of, and do you actively participate in, your local neighborhood or block watch?
Home Security Checklist. – When you are away from your home.
When you are leaving your home vacant even just for a day or two . . .
- Do you ask a trusted neighbor to keep a watch on your home?
- Do you cancel newspaper and other deliveries and put your mail on hold?
- Do you ask a trusted neighbor to pick up any leaflets?
- Do you ask a trusted neighbor to put out your trash on collection day?
- Do you mow your lawn and tend to your yard before you leave, and ask a trusted neighbor to maintain your yard while you are away?
- Do you set timers to turn lights and your radio on at appropriate times?
Home Security Checklist. – Your Garage.
Remember, the above list is not exhaustive. Frequently take the time to check around your home to find areas that need improvement in security. Harden up your home against the burglar.
Security Articles
Home Security Checklist.
High Security Safes
Many modern high security safes are fitted with tempered glass
re-lockers, should an attack be made by drilling or cutting with a
torch, the bolts are slammed home.