Rear Door Security Tip.

Rear Door Security Tip.

by Phil Coppola

I live in a very pleasant small community of mostly retired persons like myself. We don’t get much crime here but it does happen. The criminals most often drive in from out of town.

Our local police I have to say, are very good. Always willing to take the time to listen to you and take your concerns seriously. The trouble is that with the economy how it is there are not so very many of them and they don’t patrol much at night. They do respond quickly to a call though.

I take pains to make sure my home is safe and secure. My particular worry is some criminal breaking in at night, my daughter thinks I’m paranoid but I say you can’t be too careful.

Anyway here is a tip that may help some. My front door is good, I don’t worry that someone is going to get through that in the night. All windows are locked and would have to be broken for them to get in, that would wake me for sure.

What does worry me is the rear door. It is mainly glass, but has two locks. I just fear that somehow the locks could be beaten and someone could silently slip in here.

I have a sheet of tin about 5×3 feet. At night I lean this against the door, there is no way that any criminal is going to open that door without knocking the sheet to the floor, and the crash will wake me, without doubt!

Of course this will too me no good when I’m not at home and in the day the sheet can get in my way so I don’t bother leaning it against the door.

Not so long ago I kept my bat by my bed, I was quite prepared to bust up anyone who broke in. These days I realize that it would be better to let them take what they want and hope they leave me alone.

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Apr 05, 2011

Intruder warning system.

by: Martin (Editor)

Hi Phil,

Thank you very much for telling us about your intruder warning system. The sheet of tin would indeed make enough noise to wake even a heavy sleeper I imagine.

Good for you for taking pains to keep your home secure, it does make a difference.

As an alternative to your sheet of tin, have you considered a door stop alarm? These are basically the old time door wedges that you slip under the door,( it would make it difficult for a burglar to open even if he did defeat your locks.) In addition the wedge has a built in alarm. At 120dB’s it should wake you up!

But if you are happy with your solution, stick with that.

Thank you very much for the tip once again.

Martin (Editor)

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