Home Security Tip – Keyless Lock, the security rules.

Home Security Tip – Keyless Lock, the security rules.

by David Skeet

I changed the old rim lock on our house door to a dead bolting keyless lock. Everything was fine for about a week, then as I was entering the code I noticed a number written in ball pen on the door frame.

The number seemed familiar, it should have because it was the same number I was entering into the lock. Yikes! What was the code for our keyless lock doing there for all the world to see?

The culprit was easily found, it was our 13 year old son. We had drilled into him the importance of not telling anyone the number and how important it was to remember the number. We would have trusted him with a key, so saw no problem with trusting him with the code.

He took the warning about remembering the code to heart, he did not want to be shut out. He had written the code on the door frame in case he forgot it. When it was pointed out that anyone could read the code and so open the lock, he replied that a burglar would not know the number was the code. Oh the innocence of youth!

The code has been changed and my son now knows not to write it down anywhere. My tip is that when you install a security device, such as a keyless lock, make sure that all members of your family not only know how it operates, but understand all of the security rules. Youngsters without the experience of life may not think in the same way as adults.

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Dec 29, 2011

Remembering the code.

by: Anonymous

I can’t help having sympathy with your son.

They say that your memory goes as you get on in years and that may have a bearing in my case, or not. You see I can remember the code that I set for months on end, I don’t even really think about it, just punch it in. Then suddenly it goes from my mind completely!

So I do have it written down and hidden, although right away from my door. The code is written within a longer sequence of numbers.

If I have to use it, I’ll change the code and find a new hiding place just in case I was observed retrieving the number.

The keyless lock is fantastic, I would not return to using a keyed lock. Remembering a code for always is another question however.

Feb 06, 2011

Kids are clever.

by: Anonymous

You are right when you say kids don’t think the same way we do. They are often cleverer and more savvy.

I’m surprised your kid did not write down your code in his own code so that he could remember it. A thief would first have to crack his code to get to the code.

Feb 28, 2010

No keys to lose and great convenience.

by: Martin (Editor)

Hi David,

Information such as your door code you do not want the world to know!

You are quite right. All members of your family must fully understand how any security measures operate. It is not always easy to be sure that kids do understand what is required.

Thank you for sharing your security tip with us.

Hope that you are enjoying the advantages of your keyless lock. No keys to lose and great convenience.

Martin (Editor)

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