Trash To Fool The Burglar.

Trash To Fool The Burglar.

by David Pritchard


Garbage Truck

Garbage Truck

My neighbor who moved in around three months ago told me he and his family would be leaving for their vacation. I offered to take care of any mail and to keep his lawn trimmed.

He thanked me for that but took me by surprise by asking if I would also leave some of my trash out front of his house on garbage collection day. He told me it is quite common for thieves to watch who does not have their usual collection, this tips them off that the house is not occupied.

Like a shot I told him it was no problem to do that as well, I think this is a great tip. No use making sure mail and coupons don’t pile up and that the yard looks maintained if the thieves can guess you are away by the lack of trash left out. It makes sense to rectify this.

I looked through your site but I could see no mention so I thought I would pass it on to you.

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Jun 17, 2014

Your tip is a good one.

by: Martin (editor)

Hi David,

Thank you very much for submitting your home security tip. We welcome all suggestions for making our homes less of an attractive target for thieves, and your tip is a good one.

As a point of fact we do have the advice for a neighbor to put out trash for you when you are away from home on more than one page on this site ( Vacation Security ), but . . . it doesn’t matter that you also suggest it -because it means more people see it.

If you could not find that advice perhaps we should emphasize it more. So thank you once again David.

Martin (editor)

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