Preventing Car Burglaries

Preventing Car Burglaries

by Thomas L. Norman, CPP/PSP/CSC

(Beirut, Lebanon)

Many security tips say to put valuables in the trunk (boot) of a car to protect them. However that can also get them stolen!

I often see people parking at a shopping center and then opening their trunk, placing a laptop or other valuable inside and then closing the trunk and walking away.

This is free advertising to nearby car burglars. They now know that you considered the item(s) valuable enough to store away and as you walk away, they know that you are not likely to return immediately.

It is better to stop some distance away (gas station or even around the corner at the shopping center parking lot), place the valuables and then go the the final destination to park.

Thomas L. Norman, CPP/PSP/CSC is an internationally known security consultant who specializes in anti-terrorism measures for government and corporations throughout the U.S., Middle-East, Africa and South-Asia. Mr. Norman has authored several books that are used as reference manuals by the security industry.

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Feb 05, 2012

I have been doing just that.

by: Anonymous

You know, that is something that I have never thought about. I have up till now done exactly that, never cross my mind who may be looking.

OMG what a dumb thing to do! And I thought I was doing right by locking stuff in the trunk, just goes to show. Mind, I always park up as close to the store as I can and near the spy cameras. Heck I suppose the safest thing is to leave anything valuable at home.

Dec 11, 2010

A safe under the seat.

by: Dboss

I know that you can get safes for laptops that go in the trunk. I am also pretty sure that you can get safes that are fitted under the rear seat. This would mean you can stash your valuables like a laptop before leaving your car.

Aug 09, 2010

Savvy tip.

by: Martin (Editor)

Hi Thomas,

What a savvy tip!

Free advertising to thieves is right. Putting something valuable in the trunk of your car at the place you are going to park, is like putting money into your wallet in a room full of pickpockets.

Doing it your way, even if a thief does spot what you are doing, it’s no problem because you are not leaving your vehicle there!

Thank you very much indeed for sharing your security tip with us.

Martin (Editor)

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