Home Security Tip : Get A Home Safe.

Home Security Tip : Get A Home Safe.

by George Lepido

My advice to anyone would be to get themselves a good home safe. I know that you cover safes on this site and advise using them I’d just like to endorse that.

Of course a safe will not stop your home being burglarized and I have spent plenty of time and money hardening my home. All the same I was concerned about thieves getting in, and with so much stuff around that could be used to steal my identity, this worried me.

All my important papers are stored in there along with any cash, and I don’t keep much of that in the home. Along with that goes my laptop, if I’m not using it then it is locked in the safe. Locking it away as soon as I’ve finished using it means that I don’t leave home and leave it out.

I am computer security conscious, very careful with passwords, but still a little paranoid about my life being ruined by hackers. This laptop just about fits in the safe, but still room enough for the papers.

Burglars could steal other stuff like the TV, I don’t have too much in the way of gadgets, but I would sooner lose the TV than my identity. Home safes are not as costly a purchase as perhaps most of us think they are and boy do they give you peace of mind. So my home security tip is get yourself a home safe.

Incidentally, the safe is fixed in a closet, not hidden because all the thieves would have to do is open the door and there it is. But that does mean that I don’t have to sit and look at it. It is of course bolted in to concrete.

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Apr 13, 2010

Bolt it down.

by: Anonymous

I don’t think that a safe that can withstand what the average burglar does to try and open it up is too expensive.

Sure they are not huge vaults but do you really need that? They are good if you want to keep your papers safe and perhaps some jewelry. The number one thin is to bolt it down so that it can’t be carried off.

Feb 22, 2010

Safes are weak.

by: P

You say that safes do not cost a lot. I think that they do when you look at what you get. Sure there are safes out there that will hold a lot of stuff and are tuff, but they cost mucho dollars.

For a price that jack can afford all you get is a tiny box that you can only stuff a few papers in, and they are flimsy made.

I have made myself a hiding place that a burglar will not find unless he has all day. If he finds it then he will not be long in breaking it, but he will not find it.

Nov 22, 2009

A good reminder

by: Martin (editor)

Hi George,

Your post is a good reminder that apart from all the electronic items, that most of us have around the place and jewelry and other valuables, we all have countless documents that contain personal information. We do not want thieves getting their hands on them.

Kudos to you for keeping your laptop safe too, another source of personal information. Home safes do indeed give you peace of mind.

Thank you very much for making your post.

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