Home Security Tip : Adjustable strut for the back door.

Home Security Tip : Adjustable strut for the back door.

by Barry Alan T.

Two years past we found that someone had been messing around with our back door. I am convinced that they tried to pick the lock.

The lock is quite a good one, its in the door itself, but the door could be a little sturdier, it does need replacing which I will do but at the present that will have to wait, the frame will need replacing too.

What I have done is bought one of those adjustable struts that jam under the door handle. These really do the job. I tried out a length of timber which was okay but there was the danger that it could slip out. The strut has rubber feet and does not slip no matter how hard you push the door.

The thing is the strut will prevent the door from being kicked in (unless I guess the door splinters) and if someone does pick the lock they still can not open the door.

I wish we could use one on the front door, when out also, but of course you have to be on the inside to put it in place. We are most concerned with the back door. Hope that this home security tip is helpful.

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Nov 30, 2010

Work very well

by: Dan T

These security door bars work very well. Best to have the base in as close to the door as possible, if ti is then I can not imagine someone pushing in.

May 23, 2010

Ongard security brace

by: Brian

I saw this product on CNN / OnGARD Security Door Brace

see http://www.globalsecurityexperts.com

Dec 11, 2009

Get one with an alarm.

by: Anonymous

You can get those door guards with a built in alarm. Lets you know if someone is messing with the door.

The alarm is just load enough to wake you depending of course on how deep you sleep.

May 10, 2009

Peace of Mind

by: This Guy Sam

Those things are okay if you want something to give you peace of mind at night for example. But as you have to be on the inside of your home to put them in place they are useless when you go out.

Get your home good locks — from a locksmith not a big box store — strong doors and an alarm!

Jan 26, 2009

We have two of them.

by: Anonymous

We have two of these, one for the front and one for the back. They are always in place when we are at home and they make us feel very secure.

Jan 17, 2009

They work well.

by: Martin (editor)

Hi Barry,

Thank you very much for sharing your home security tip.

I believe the adjustable strut that you write about must be similar to (Door Guard at Amazon.com) and yes they work well.

But I must urge you to replace your door with a secure one if as you say it is past it’s best. Exterior quality doors cost a bit but well worth it for the peace of mind alone.

Martin (editor)

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